"Life in
Angkorian Times".

Phnom Penh National Museum

The temporary exhibition, “Life in Angkorian times”, displays some of the rescue archaeology findings collected between 2004 and 2014 by INRAP, French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research, during the Siem Reap airport development works, within the framework of a five-year scientific partnership between the APSARA National Authority, the site manager, and Cambodia Airports. French and Cambodian archaeologists took part in the research.

Location: Phnom Penh National Museum Cambodia
Type: Exhibition
Area: 132 sqm
Project owner: APSARA National Authority
Development: Cambodia Airports
Archaeological Research: INRAP, French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research
Scientific Authority: Pierre Bâty, archaeologist INRAP
Scientific Commision for the Exhibition: Pierre Bâty, archaeologist Inrap in charge of the excavations and Jean-Paul Jacob, archaeologist and former President of Inrap. In collaboration with the Apsara National Authority and the Phnom Penh National Museum Scenography & Coordination: Claire Campens
Coordination & Production Assistant: Antoine Perrier
Graphism: Philippe Cholet
Model: Philippe Brousseau - Jayav Art
Construction: ES-Pro Construction Co., Ltd and Moro Wood
Completed: 2016
Photography: © Philippe Bataillard