Location: Phnom Penh National Museum Cambodia
Type: Exhibition
Area: 132 sqm
Project owner: APSARA National Authority
Development: Cambodia Airports
Archaeological Research: INRAP, French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research
Scientific Authority: Pierre Bâty, archaeologist INRAP
Scientific Commision for the Exhibition: Pierre Bâty, archaeologist Inrap in charge of the excavations and Jean-Paul Jacob, archaeologist and former President of Inrap. In collaboration with the Apsara National Authority and the Phnom Penh National Museum Scenography & Coordination: Claire Campens
Coordination & Production Assistant: Antoine Perrier
Graphism: Philippe Cholet
Model: Philippe Brousseau - Jayav Art
Construction: ES-Pro Construction Co., Ltd and Moro Wood
Completed: 2016
Photography: © Philippe Bataillard